Real-time customer intelligence, actionnable and accessible to your operational teams.

Streamline Customer Experience with Feedier, transforming isolated feedbacks into unified, actionable insights.
Easily harness the power of feedback management to reduce operational costs, eliminate frustrations and improve customer satisfaction.

Centralisez, mesurez et transformez vos données de feedback en connaissance client basée sur l’IA, facilitant ainsi l’identification et la résolution des irritants.

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It’s like having 10 market research firms
optimizing your customer journeys 24/7/365.

Without Feedier

Costly outsourced management: Outsourcing your customer experience management to consulting firms can significantly increase your operational costs.

Complex, time-consuming analyses: Traditional experience management (CX) tools are generally designed for data specialists, and require hours of analysis to generate concrete, actionable insights.

Limited vision due to exclusive focus on feedback: A strategy that focuses only on feedback with no integration of operational data can limit your understanding of customers.

Context-free and generic text analysis : A general approach to text analysis often ignores the specific subtleties of each industry, hampering the ability to provide relevant personalized insights for customers operating in a variety of sectors.

With Feedier

Real time data analysis : Feedier offers an intuitive dashboard, enabling all users, whatever their role, to use and understand every single feature, report and data.

Intuitive usability : Feedier brings you an intuitive dashboard, enabling operational teams, whatever their role, to use and understand all features, reports and data.

Centralized feedback and business data: Consolidate feedback (surveys, opinions, email/SMS, web scraping) and CRM or ERP data (such as Salesforce, Hubspot) on a single platform for a complete view of the customer journey and AI-driven decisions.

Autonomous project management: Feedier enables users to leverage the correlation between operational data and customer feedback to get actionable insights and clear recommendations, enabling them to drive their actions effectively.

AI-based adaptive text analysis: Based on customized, context-specific NLP (Natural Language Processing) analysis, Feedier accurately understands feedback and provides concrete, actionable recommendations in real time using AI-based analysis and interpretation.

Feedier connects your data,
your teams and your strategies.

adding questions to nps
Customer Intelligence Solution

Full potential for customer
data in one place

AI-Enhanced Text Analysis (NLP) Solution

Analyze unstructured data to get
AI-based improvement recommandations

Feedback Management

Import, collect, centralize and understand
feedback seamlessly

360° Voice of Customer Solution

Create actionable and
in real-time reports

Centralization of All Feedback Sources

Get a full picture of
all the feedback gathered

CX Survey Solution

Create & automate surveys
with 16+ types of questions

Enterprise NPS Solution

Get your exact NPS score
with updates in real-time

2-Way Integration with Salesforce

Enrich your CRM data
and your feedback data

Web In-App Feedback Widget

Collect web in-app feedback
at the right moment

Analyzed feedback yearly

feedier gdpr compliant

Quarterly compliance and data security audits.